This website is dedicated to my fellow family researchers and my ancestors and is solely for the purpose of helping others climbing the same trees and facilitating connections among individuals with common research interests. Key corrollaries are the concept of crediting me for my work and how my research can be used.

In the spirit of sharing family history, you may use this material for your personal research but must respect the copyright herein explained. Facts of name, dates and places cannot be copyrighted, and you are free to use these basic facts from Winslett Chronicles or from my limited trees on, My Heritage or Family Tree.

However, the descriptive narratives in Winslett Chronicles which collate and analyze those facts and any images are my creative work and are protected by copyright. I am releasing these materials under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International license. This license allows others to non-commercially use, remix and build upon my work and, although their new works must acknowledge my research and be non-commercial, they do not have to license their derivative works under the same terms.

Non-commercial use means this research and analysis cannot in part or whole be incorporated into material that is for sale or which can only be accessed through paid websites. See You may copy, distribute and display this work and make derivative works based on Winslett Chronicles only so long as you follow my licensing criteria which requires crediting my website and me for the original creation and keeping copyright notices intact on all portions or copies of the derivative work.

Therefore, when copying my creative work cite my work with sufficient detail that the documentation can be found again easily. An example would be: Winslett, Virginia Custis. Winslett Chronicles, genealogical database, Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial license. Accessed __date__.

In addition, fragments of my research are based on materials under copyright with all rights reserved by others, so that carefully-designated material may not be republished without consent of the original copyright holders.  Also credit the initial authors when someone else's original research is included.

I worked hard to assemble this research over decades and will enjoy the opportunity for further collaboration. If you find this data useful, please adher to these practices. For my most recent work, see,